Troop 73 is based out of Andover, Massachusetts and is the oldest troop in town. Our troop consists of Troop 73B (Boys) and Troop 73G (Girls) Both groups have separate scout and adult leaders but work closely together and attend meetings and outings together as one cohesive troop. Within 73B and 73G are different scout-led patrols.
As a troop we plan fun activities and community projects monthy as well as do fun things such as attend Camp Wanocksett, West Point, camp, bike, go on trips to Philmont New Mexico as so much more. We meet every Thursday from 7:00-8:30 P.M. at South Church, at 41 Central Street, Andover. Our meetings usually consist of rank advancement, trip planning, community service, hikes, or fun activities such as playing steal the bacon! We have a lot of fun at Troop 73 and we enjoy what we do. |
Troop 73 B:
Scoutmaster: Mr. Peter Kane Senior Patrol Leader: James Xiao Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader: Matt Robinson |
Other Positions of Responsibility:
Jr Assistant Scout Master: Henry Kane Webmaster: Matt Robinson Scribes: Devin Cox & Kari Belson Quartermaster: Zach Oliver, Kiran Cox Guide/Den Chief: |
Troop 73 G:
Scoutmaster: Mr. Michael Cox Senior Patrol Leader: Wes Ong Asst Sr Patrol Leader: Kari Belson |
Leadership in Troop 73:
Troop 73 is proud to be a scout-lead troop. Twice a year, we elect a new Senior Patrol Leader (SPL), who takes charge and guides troop meetings. They choose an Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL), who is the right-hand man of the SPL. Together, the SPL and ASPL choose the other positions of responsibility like the webmaster, guide, and quartermaster, with the scoutmaster. The SPL is also in charge of the Patrol Leaders, who get elected by their patrols twice a year. The Patrol Leaders, SPL, and ASPL work together to plan trips and meetings once a month at a Patrol Leaders Conference. One of the great parts of scouting is the leadership experience you gain as you work your way up to Eagle. |